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发布时间:2023-08-24 08:46:55 浏览次数:75次

Seven July: Is it the Chinese Valentine's Day?


In China, there are many traditional festivals celebrated throughout the year. Among them, the Double Seventh Festival, also known as Qi Xi or Chinese Valentine's Day, is particularly cherished. Celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, this festival has a deep-rooted cultural significance and romantic undertones. In this article, we will explore the origins, customs, and modern-day significance of the Double Seventh Festival, shedding light on whether July 7th truly represents the essence of Qi Xi.

1. The Origins of the Double Seventh Festival:

The origins of the Double Seventh Festival can be traced back to ancient Chinese mythology. Legend has it that Zhinü, a weaving maiden symbolizing Vega, and Niulang, a cowherd representing Altair, fell in love. However, their union was forbidden by the heavens, separating the lovers with the Milky Way. The Double Seventh Festival commemorates the one night of the year when magpies form a bridge to reunite Zhinü and Niulang.

2. Customs and Traditions:

The Double Seventh Festival encompasses various customs, reflecting the celebration of love and romance. On this day, young women pray for skillful hands in embroidery, while unmarried girls make offerings to Zhinü, seeking romantic blessings. Colored paper made into lotus flower shapes are floated on water to show people’s hopes for love. Star-watching parties are organized, where couples share romantic moments under the starry sky.

3. The Modern-Day Significance:

In recent years, the significance of the Double Seventh Festival has gained renewed attention. Young couples take the opportunity to express their love through exchanging gifts, going on dates, and making romantic gestures. In some regions, marriage ceremonies are held on this auspicious day. The festival has become a platform for celebrating love and strengthening relationships, capturing the essence of Chinese Valentine's Day.

4. Debates and Interpretations:

Despite the prevalent celebration of the Double Seventh Festival on July 7th, some argue that it deviates from the traditional lunar calendar, questioning its authenticity. Scholars suggest that the alignment with the Western calendar was influenced by the desire for convenience and commercial interests. Nonetheless, the essence of love and romance associated with the festival remains intact, regardless of the date on which it is celebrated.

5. Conclusion:

The Double Seventh Festival, or Qi Xi, holds a special place in Chinese culture as a celebration of love and devotion. Regardless of whether July 7th aligns with the precise lunar calendar, the festival continues to bring joy and romanticism into the lives of people. It serves as a reminder to cherish and nurture relationships, fostering a sense of love and connection in a fast-paced world. So, while the debate about its exact date may continue, one thing is certain: the spirit of Qi Xi will forever endure in the hearts of those who celebrate it.

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